Posit - “The River is Our Relative”
Animated this beautiful narrartive 5-minute brand video about how Posit open-source technology has helped Jan Paul and the Penobscot’s people in keeping their rivers healthy.
The short animated film was shown during the Posit Conf 2023 in Chicago.
The short animated film was shown during the Posit Conf 2023 in Chicago.
Client: Posit PBC
Head of Storytelling: Jason Restivo Art Direction/Illustration/Storyboard: I-Nu Yeh
Animation: Jay Keeree
Sound Design: Caleb Theimer Content Producer/Writer: Shannon McGarvey
(September 2023)
Head of Storytelling: Jason Restivo Art Direction/Illustration/Storyboard: I-Nu Yeh
Animation: Jay Keeree
Sound Design: Caleb Theimer Content Producer/Writer: Shannon McGarvey
(September 2023)